Tip of the Day
27 April 2024


For safer Internet banking, use virtual keyboards

  • A virtual keyboard prevents your username or password from being stolen, especially while using public computers such as those available in Internet browsing centers
  • It allows access by using the mouse only, without using the keyboard The Virtual Keyboard is designed to protect your password from malicious “Spyware” and “Trojan Programs”

Tip of the week
22 April 2024‐28 April 2024


Never disclose PIN or other bank account related information to anyone

  • Do not provide PIN or other account information through telephone unless you initiated the call The PIN should not be disclosed to any third party, including the staff of the Bank or to merchant establishments under any circumstances or by any means whether voluntary or otherwise
  • Do not reveal PIN number on telephone because neither your bank nor any agency is authorized to ask you to disclose your PIN

Tip of the month
April 2024


Avoid saving credit card details while shopping online

  • Before you do online shopping check whether the site is secured You can check by the URL, which starts with https instead of http Before transaction, delete cookies and don’t save credit card details in the website while you do online shopping