Tip of the Day
11 February 2025


Never download executable files such as .vbs, .shs, .pif etc., received over email or chat box

Avoid e-mail attachments with the file extensions such as VBS,SHS,PIF etc while sending as well as receiving e-mails

Tip of the week
10 February 2025‐16 February 2025


Never forward chain messages. Break the chain

The online-chain message is a message which comes through e-mail attachments that is sent to several persons with a request that each recipient should send multiple copies to a number of persons whom you know in order that the circulation may increase exponentially This is a trick to spread the virus or spam through e- mails They trap people by sending the messages like “Making money fast”, “virus alerts”, sending sympathy messages like “A child is suffering from brain tumor, if you donate some money for operation the child will be saved” etc

Tip of the month
February 2025


Do not open emails received from unknown sources

Be protected of e-mails from strangers Never open an e-mail with an attachment from a source that is unknown or suspicious Virus containing e-mails can be very persuasive in the subject line Do not let your curiosity cloud your good sense
