Tip of the Day
19 April 2024


Protect your personal computer from viruses and other malicious programs using antivirus software

Install Anti-virus and Anti-Spyware softwares and make sure you update it regularly

Tip of the week
15 April 2024‐21 April 2024


Never access other websites while performing online transactions

Never click on the ‘X’ (cross mark) or hit Alt+F4 (shortcut command used to close the applications in most of the operating systems) for closing the browser while you are on online transactions If you want to close the online transaction, ensure that you log out properly and completely from the website

Tip of the month
April 2024


Avoid saving credit card details while shopping online

  • Before you do online shopping check whether the site is secured You can check by the URL, which starts with https instead of http Before transaction, delete cookies and don’t save credit card details in the website while you do online shopping