Tip of the Day
31 July 2024


While online, value the privacy of other users

Computing and communication technology enables the collection and exchange of personal information on the network So, it gives rise to the possibility of violation of the privacy of individual users and groups This necessitates precautions to ensure the accuracy of data as well as protecting it from unauthorized access

Tip of the week
29 July 2024‐04 August 2024


Always record the online conversation for future reference

  • Always try to record the online conversation for your future reference
  • You can try and catch the person who is communicating with you if he misuses the information or does any crime by using the information you provided during your online conversation But, you can do this only if you have a record of the online conversation

Tip of the month
July 2024


Do not trust all that you view online

  • Online posts may not be authentic and genuine
  • People may post or mislead about various topics including their own identities